This is one of the most common complaints of the body people seek help for. Some back pain is caused by more serious disease but most is caused by dysfunction of the muscles, ligaments and joints of the spine and body.

Osteopaths are primary healthcare providers, they are trained to differentiate between uncomplicated back pain and other conditions requiring medical care or further investigation such as x-ray.

Your symptoms may exist on the range between mildly uncomfortable through to severely painful and debilitating. Whatever your case may be, our osteopaths can help.

What causes low back pain?

Other than due to strain or injury, often back pain is he result of poor posture, poor work positioning and a lack of exercise. Our osteopaths can work through your lifestyle habits to figure out what changes might be best for you.

If you have experienced an injury to the back, our osteopaths will seek to understand the mechanism that caused the pain. They can then start to work towards the appropriate rehabilitation for you.

Less common are more serious causes of back pain. Our osteopaths are trained to identify these to then find the appropriate course of action for you, either via your GP or a private physician.

How do we treat low back pain?

Our osteopaths look at the body as a unit and will assess and treat low back pain using a holistic approach to the whole body. The technique applied is very specific to the patient and therefore can vary from case to case. This could be either very gentle balancing and alignment techniques to mobilisation and manipulation.

Ergonomic advice and exercises will also be prescribed to help you recover faster.

ACC compensation

If you have an accident and you would like osteopathic treatment, you can come directly to the osteopathic clinic. You don’t need a doctors referral before coming to see us for treatment.

ACC helps by paying for part of the cost of each osteopathic treatment, which means you only have to pay $65 (normal price $95) for your subsidized treatment.

Please discuss with your Osteopath whether you are eligible for ACC.

Cancellation Policy

We require adequate notice if you wish to change or cancel your appointment.

If less then 24 hours notice is given and we are unable to fill the appointment a $45 cancellation fee will be incurred.

No shows will be charged at full price.


Treatment type:Cost:
New Patient, 45 Minutes$140
New Patient (ACC), 45 Minutes$95
Existing Patient, 30 Minutes$95
Existing Patient (ACC), 30 Minutes$65